I woke up this morning thinking what would be the best book to boost my English writing. I am a big fan of some writers, and more than a couple of years English authors, and even thought I may spend precious time reading excellent books recommendations, I realized that what worked for some people may not for others. I’m still frustrated trying to find what would be my sacred key, the one that would open my mind and liberates me to write without worrying about what other people would think about my thoughts, or better yet, about my grammar. And thanks God I was amazed when reading one beautiful blog by an American women, a blog I haven’t googled for, but extremely valuable for English as a second language people wanting to make their voices heard in this blogging habit too! (Hispanic community writers,  know there really are good websites that would fit your needs). I didn’t find my key there, but I found a great sense of confidence (as a writer) since this blog let us know that there is no time to perfection, as the time we keep practicing. Good habits make a big difference; that is also apply to writing.

    No matter how many times we make mistakes, we always find a way to correct them; in writing it’s simply writing again, finding a style that matches your life, your thoughts and even your feelings. It’s wonderful how feelings are around writing. I notice that when  I see my mistakes, thanks to friends’ corrections, my papers still make sense to me, I think that is because sometimes I keep forgetting to think in this new language, and maybe for my time devoted to them, feeling like a traitor if I tear them up and throw them away. It’s hard to switch ways of thinking. It’s hard and frustrating finding yourself counting the words you have left behind when writing spontaneously. I never catch up with my thoughts when typing at my computer, I then become bored and start behaving guilty for my lack of words. That’s stupid I know, but I find no other way to oblige myself to maintain focuses on my learning. So, if it requires practice then I should practice, no more procrastination. I today decide to start writing, everyday, whatever occurs to me to begin creating an English portfolio which I will make laugh of, that’s for sure baby!.

    What about developing my style? Well, I know I have one. Where? In between the words and my mistakes!. And my tone, do I have one?. “Ja” (good word to express Spanish sarcasm) I do have one, I have it full of anger. Why?, are you still wondering why?, of course, for feeling stupid about my practices, about my improving, an anger for not having all the rights words at the perfect moment I need them. But there is something that reassures me, I am not the only one, I see once in a while good writers overflowing with tons of papers, documents and book to write and not knowing how to start; the famous blank pages that scares us, but when we put the first word in them we could never stop till having a clear match of letters and meaning forming our first paragraph. we never know what  happened at the end, that is the most exciting part, the hard one, giving readers a final paper they feel can get in love with !.

    I now read this hilarious paragraphs above and am happy with my first writing of the day. I will be committed to my practice, if anyone of you find this pages by chance and dislike them, you know what to do, just flip straight to another blog, take care!.

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